Leadership Development
At a time of turbulence and change leadership development is ever more a priority. The challenges many public and private sector organisations face cannot be solved by applying the solutions of the past.
Virtually every organisation recognises the ongoing need to change and evolve in order to succeed. Success ultimately depends on the quality of management and leadership.
Leadership develops vision, sets the direction for the future and motivates people to engage positively in the strategies and plans to make it happen. Management organises and executes the plans, operationalises people and resources within time frames, to meet quality standards and achieve results.
The higher the quality and capacity of leadership and management, the greater the likelihood of successful performance.
We specialise in developing leadership systems within an organisation or a sector. This may be across a leadership tier at executive, senior, middle or first line levels; or with the whole leadership system.
Our aim is to strengthen the quality of leadership at all levels so that the organisation creates value and is a positive place where people can work productively and develop their capability.
Our model of leadership development is build around six key themes:
1. Leadership is personal
2. Leadership is strategic
3. Leadership is relational
4. Leadership is innovation
5. Leadership is performance
6. Leadership is results
We design bespoke programmes for clients, using a selection of the following methods:
- Self assessment using 360, MBTI, FIRO B, Insights or other appropriate psychometric tools as a basis for feedback, coaching and leadership development goal setting.
- Personal Effectiveness Skills Development on relevant topics e.g. using power and influence, handling conflict and confrontation, communication, self management, energy and emotional resilience, motivating and inspiring others.
- Leadership Effectiveness Skills Development sessions e.g. strategy and change management, coaching and performance, creativity and innovation, problem solving, understanding organisational systems, network development and collaborative working.
- Action Learning with peers to learn from each others’ actual work “on the job” challenges, to transfer knowledge, build peer “support and critique” behaviours and enable the exchange of ideas and information.
- Expediting a strategic leadership challenge or change project during the course of the programme to demonstrate impact and generate organisational benefits.
Recent examples
Cavan County Council, CO3, Belfast City Council Parks and Leisure department, Positive Futures, Funeral Services Northern Ireland, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust.
Centre for Creative Leadership
Anne McMurray is very pleased to announce the forthcoming launch in 2014 of 360NetImpact - an innovative approach to 360 leadership feedback. Anne has set up as a joint venture with Cognitive Edge to provide this service internationally online. The product development has been supported by Invest NI in N.Ireland. Anne writes about the evidence base and benefits of this exciting new approach in the attached paper. For further information contact anne@annemcmurray.com.